Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now

Seeing the commercials of the abused animals and hungry people make me think about how good my life is compared to theirs. Many people in second world countries don't have enough food and starve. Seeing people help them these people by giving them food and building schools for their children to get an education inspire me to help in some way to make our world a better place. Some people live lavish lives, while others live in dirt. While the rich people have a say in almost everything, these people don't have a say in anything. This is similar to abused animals, they don't really have a say in anything, and it is sad how we can relate animals to people on their conditions. We shouldn't be able to compared a person's life conditions to that of an animal.
My life goals can fulfill my own needs as well as helping the community. I could do this by having a good job, making money, and donating some of my money to charity to help others. Hopefully some of this money could go to helping people in second world countries as well as people in my community. In addition to giving money, I could also go out of my way to help the people by giving them the food myself, or helping build the schools, building, or even water wells.

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