Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do Now 12/2

If I were a teacher I would add gardening class to the curriculum. This class would meet year round during the school day. During the spring and the fall, the class would go outside to garden as well as learning about gardening and plants. While during the winter they would only be inside learning about gardening and plants. Vegetables would also be a main learning topic, in the hopes that students would want to grow vegetables at home and be healthier. 

To be more in depth, students during the spring and fall would learn about gardening techniques, where different plants need to be planted to thrive, and more. After learning the subject, the class would then go outside and try what they have learned. During the winter, the class would still learn all about plants, but not have as many opportunities to try what they learn themselves. However, little planters could be used in the class room for demonstrations all year round when the weather is not adapt for going outside. The class would be very interactive and welcoming to every student. Although the teacher would make sure that the students don't get to loud.

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