Thursday, March 24, 2016

Why Your Next Hotel Will Be Staffed By Robots

Robots are already working in some hotels, with more are popping up. The Henn-na Hotel in Sasebo, Japan is run entirely by robots, and they even have a robot resembling a dinosaur. However, its not only the Japense that have robots in their hotels,  but so does a Marriott Hotel in Ghent, Belgium. They have a humanoid robot named Mario who has been greeting guests in 19 different languages, guarding the buffet since June of 2015, and will soon be able to order taxis. A Hilton hotel in Virginia had a robot take up the concierge, and last year Royal Caribbean installed robot cocktail mixing robots to their cruise ships. 

Oxford University's Carl Benedikt Frey has ranked jobs on the likelihood of them becoming computerized. He was ranked recreational therapist to be on the safe scale, while tour guides' jobs will be in danger. According to information gathered by Travelzoo, a US online booking company, nearly 2/3 out of 6,000 travelers globally said that they would be at ease with the idea of being looked after by machines on their travels. The European president of Travelzoo, Richard Singer, said that he welcomes the swiftly advancing day when apps and machines will get us from lobby to room without the, "service inconsistencies," of humans, yet that it will still be worth ensuring that hotels have that personal touch. 

Click here to read the original article and watch a video on the robots.(scroll down midway for video)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

College student 3D prints his own braces

Amos Dudley, a college student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, 3-D printed his own braces. He had not worn his retainer as much as he should have, and his teeth shifted. However, when looking for clear braces such as Invisalign, Damon, and ClearCorrect can cost as much as $8,000, so he decided to make his own costing him less than $60. He made 12 sets of clear braces, determining how far to more his teeth in each set to correct the problems using a process similar to that of Orthodontists. To make the braces, he used NJIT's equipment to scan and print models of his teeth, which he molded non-toxic plastic around to form the braces. He has gotten requests to make braces for other people, however he declines as, "It was more of a hacker project," than a business he said, and he doesn't recommend anyone else trying what he did. Nevertheless, stories like his illustrate what the how much easier it may be in the future for people to make rather than buy what they need.

Click here to read the original article.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Company Called Second Sight is Helping Blind People See

The company Second Sight Medical Products, EYES in the stock market, has created technology that they call Argus II that helps blind people see. Argus II works with those who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa also known as RP or advanced macular degeneration, by surgically attaching an electrode array to the eye which receives signals from a pair of glasses equipped with a video camera that the patient wears. The video footage is then transmitted to the eye using a series of electrical pulses that the brain processes as visual images. This allows patients to detect shapes and pick up contrast between light and dark, which while does not correct damage to the retina, allows people who had previously been able to see nothing see windows, doorways, and has even allowed a patient to see 3 or 4 letters in a row. It was approved by the FDA in 2013, and more than 170 patients have been equipped with Argus II. The company is also working on another project called Orion I, which would help those who have gone blind from other conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, or trauma that led to a detached retina, however it is still in animal testing. 

The Company was recently featured on the latest episode or "Vice" from HBO. After this, their stock surged, reaching nearly 60% at one point and finishing with a 22% gain. However, Second Sight has a relatively small commercial footprint, and in its first nine months they had total sales of $6.6 million and a loss of $14.5 million. They recently announced that they will be giving existing shareholders the ability to buy more stock at a discount, which they hope could raise as much as $20 million that should help them get through the end of 1017 before they would need more money. 

Click here to see the original article