Thursday, February 25, 2016

Using "Superblimps" to unlock riches in Africa

Lockheed Martin and Hybrid Enterprises have created the Hybrid Airship, a blip that can revolutionize the mining industry in Africa. It's powered by helium, can travel thousands of kilometers at a top notch speed of 60 knots in one journey, can carry loads of 20 tons, and does not need a runway. These qualities allow the blimp be better equip to provide transportation of materials for mining companies and projects, as no roads or railway lines need to be built allowing miners to bypass the most expensive and time-consuming aspects of mining. All that is needed for the blimp to be able to land is a space of 2-3 football fields. This is especially for Africa, as an estimated 90% of ore is located in remote locations. Before the blimp, a mining company would first have to build roads and railways before they could begin the actual mining, which wastes time and money. Hybrid Enterprises is currently undergoing FAA certification, and they hope that the ships will be in operation by 2018, with each unit being expected to cost tens of millions of dollars. 

Click here to read the original article.

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