Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tech article 11/14

Cardboard Bicycle

Engineer Izhar Gafni learned how to fold cardboard into the strongest shapes possible, including honeycombs and bird nests. The spokes, rims, and frame are made from cardboard; old car tires are used as puncture-proof wheels, a car's timing belt as a chain; and formed plastic bottles are made into pedal cranks. The prototype weighs 28 pounds, and can support a rider almost 20 times its weight. He intends to make four models, two for adults and two for children; rechargeable electric motors are optional. He hopes to sell them for $30 each, and build them for $12 each. If advertising were to be on each bike, then people in developing countries could ride them for free. 
To read the original article click here.

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