Thursday, November 13, 2014

Web 2.0 Wiki Research

    1. How can a wiki be used a current class on your schedule (not this course)? Pick a class and be specific how the class could create and use a Wiki on a regular basis.

    Wiki's can be used in many situations, including my biology class. They can be used for group projects and study groups, by allowing the students in the group to combine their knowledge and study for an upcoming test, or write a script for a puppet show project. 

    2. What are the benefits of using a wiki in class?

    The benefits of using a wiki are vast. During class, students can work together on class work, get notes from their teachers, and share information in general with each other.

    3. How can we create a wiki in this class, what would be contribute to it and how would be utilize it on an on-going basis?

    We could create a wiki in this class by using a wiki website, and contribute knowledge on the current topic, help others with problems that they are having with the assignment, and share different ideas, for example giving answers and opinions on Do Now question.

    4. What experience do you have using or creating wikis?

    I do not have any experience past this class creating wikis, but from the information that I now know about wikis, it seems that creating a wiki would be easy to do. I have however used wikis before, including Wikipedia, and Wikianswers. 

    Tuesday, November 11, 2014

    Tech article 11/14

    Cardboard Bicycle

    Engineer Izhar Gafni learned how to fold cardboard into the strongest shapes possible, including honeycombs and bird nests. The spokes, rims, and frame are made from cardboard; old car tires are used as puncture-proof wheels, a car's timing belt as a chain; and formed plastic bottles are made into pedal cranks. The prototype weighs 28 pounds, and can support a rider almost 20 times its weight. He intends to make four models, two for adults and two for children; rechargeable electric motors are optional. He hopes to sell them for $30 each, and build them for $12 each. If advertising were to be on each bike, then people in developing countries could ride them for free. 
    To read the original article click here.


    Over the long weekend I slept in late everyday. This extra sleep was refreshing from the shorter amount of sleep that I normally get on school days. When I finally woke up, I spent time reading and spending time with my family. On Friday night, I went to the Grand Lux Cafe, in the Garden State Plaza, with my grandma, mom, dad, and sister.