Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting

Mr. Colarusso is a science teacher at Wood-Ridge High School.  This year I have him for Biology Honors, seventh period.  When the class first started, I expected to learn throughout the year about life, as biology is the study of life. To this date, we have not learned the most information, as school has just begun.  Yet, we have reviewed several topics, including the scientific method briefly.  We do this to ensure that everyone knows what do do and hasn't forgotten information from previous years.

The grading policy for this class is, 40% tests, 15% quizzes, 25% lab reports, research papers, and projects, 10% informal assessments, and 10% homework and participation.  For this class their are multiple things that I find interesting. I like how we can keep our textbooks at home and how everyday we either have to read a section or do the packet pages for the previous section we have read. Some may not like this, as it is more homework, but I find that it gives you a better understanding of the topic and you are more able to join into discussions help on the work we were supposed to do the night before.

Technology is used during this class often.  School has only been going on for a few weeks and I can recall at least two times that he has used the projector. We have done an online plant growth experiment and have used the projector to look at a picture of an owl.  We made observations of this picture concluding may things about the owl and its surroundings.

Mr. Colarusso's webpage
Biology Honors Syllabus

Introduction to Biology

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