Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tech Article 10/24

Detecting Your Emotions Through Your Typing Style

A new computer program may pave the way for the day that computers are smarter than humans, using the concept "the singularity". Researchers tested the program to identify nine emotional states: joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, guilt, neutral, and tired (so far). Machines could be more effective and friendly if it could change its behavior according to the emotions detected. This would also be helpful with online teaching, being able to change the lesson style based on their emotional state, and online counseling sessions.
Click here for the Live Science article.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tech Article 10/17

Space Elevator

Have you ever wanted to go into space? Advanced technology now is saying that in around 2030, we will have space elevators. A diamond nanothread cable, which is almost a hundred times stronger than a steel cable. The cable would be about 2.5 inches thick, and could lift the equivalent of three International Space Stations per day into orbit. Think of the cable as a diamond necklace, strung with the tiniest possible diamonds.
 Click here to see the original CNN article.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tech Article 10/10

Navy "Drone" Boats


The United States Navy is testing "drone" boats to be used in the field. They detect a vessel that is a threat to the Navy Ship, and five of these boats swarm the vessel to confront it. They are controlled by Control Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing (CARACaS). Some of these unmanned boats are cruising on the James River in Virginia, setting up a protective screen on a Navy research ship. They are like guard dogs, and put our sailors of harms way.

To read to CNN article click here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tech Article 10/3


In Hong Kong during protests, cell towers get overloaded with traffic or the government decides to flip the switch. With thousands of people on the street, internet is useless. Demonstrators have turned to FireChat, which allows phones to connect to other users within 250 feet. When more people join the range, it extends farther allowing more people to join the chat. Open Garden is the company behind FireChat, and has said that they are trying to fix the problems with the app. These include the local authorities being about to poke around. They are trying to fix this with private messaging and encryption. Open Garden advocates for, "freedom of speech and access to information."